Contact Us
Email (preferred):
Phone: 615-434-6268
Emails and Voicemails are monitored during normal business hours. We always do our best to return your email or call promptly, although sometimes it will be the next business day.
General Questions
If you are not a current client of ours, but have a question about our services or you want to inquire about the appointment process, please don't hesitate to reach out. Tennessee State law requires a valid client-patient relationship (REMOVE), so we cannot give medical advice over the phone prior to examining your pet or if we have not examined your pet within at least the last 12 months.
If you have any questions or concerns either before or after your visit please contact us. At the bottom of your pet's discharges, there will be a specific email address for the NVD staff member you met with at the appointment.
Please contact us to make an appointment. If this is your first appointment, please take the time to fill out our history form and medical consent prior to your visit.
Click here to request an appointment, or contact NVD at 615-434-6268.
Click here to fill out the patient history form.
Click here to fill out the medical consent form.
Prescription Refills & Food
Prescription and food refill requests ARE MONITORED during normal business hours (Monday–Fridays, 9-5). Please give us AT LEAST 24 hours notice on MOST refills; however, WE REQUIRE 2 WEEKS NOTICE FOR IMMUNOTHERAPY REFILLS.
Please fill out this form to request a refill. Alternatively, you CAN CONTACT US VIA EMAIL (PREFERRED) OR PHONE/VOICEMAIL to leave your request
Click here for the prescription refill request form.